Saturday, March 14, 2015

Kiss Me Quick! ~ St. Patrick's Day Blog Hop

Inner Goddess

Kiss me quick I'm Irish!

So I thought I'd share a couple of kisses.

A Saint's Salvation

Kiss 1

Nick could hear her suck in a breath, in surprise or appreciation? Nick hoped to find out. He moved closer and with the sun no longer in his eyes, surprise slammed him upside the head. Nick grinned and stepped forward, trapping her against the railing. Her face had lit up, her smile diamond bright. His soul burst with happiness, responding to the joy in her face.
“Hello, beautiful.” Nick leaned down, pulling her curves against him and ravaged her mouth, not about to give her a chance to reject him. He felt her breath catch and then her arms came around his neck. He heard her glass hit the balcony floor. Nick shifted, sliding his lips along her neck. “I never dreamed it would be you.”

Nick ran his hands down her back. The thin silk dress she wore left little hidden from his hands. Nick smoothed his hands across her ass and pulled her up and fitted her heat against his growing erection. Nick couldn’t feel any panty lines. With her arms around his neck, holding tight as he kissed her, Nick grabbed her thighs and wrapped them around his hips.

Kiss 2

Leading her to the dance floor, the low level lighting gave it an intimate feel, Nick pulled Angelina into his arms. Pulling her against him, swaying to the music, Nick kissed her. Her lips were soft and sweet, tasting of the coffee that had ended their meal. Nick nibbled at her mouth, sweeping his tongue inside to taste her. At her moan Nick pulled back and rested his head on top of hers and tightened his arms, sighing contentedly.

So, being Irish is all about the kisses to me!

Click me to see more
Tell me in the comments about your favorite kiss (book boyfriend or real)!

 Don't forget to follow the hop for other great prizes!

Grand Prize Entry


  1. Love your blog! I think the kiss I'd love to have would be from Roarke (JD ROBB's In Death Series). Le Sigh...I can just imagine hearing his Irish voice and having him call me Darling before he takes my face with his hands and leans down to kiss me. *ahhh*

  2. Sounds like a great book! My first kiss was a complete mess. Both myself and the boy were nervous and completely missed our aim LOL.

    1. LOL. Sounds a lot like mine. Total ick! LOL. I was playing spin the bottle.

  3. The kiss I always remember is the one John Wayne gave Maureen O'Hare in The Quiet Man.

  4. Perhaps the kiss between Lady & The Tramp, when they are sharing a bowl of spaghetti, or the kiss between Baby & Johnny in Dirty Dancing, sigh!

  5. I think my favourite book kiss is in Slave to Sensation by Nalini Singh, Lucas convinces Sascha to kiss him "for research".
    jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com

  6. When people talk about great kisses my mind always goes to the kiss in the rain the The Notebook :-)

  7. My first kiss with my now husband was amazing. He was getting ready to leave my apartment with one foot in the hall and one still in the apartment while he finished putting on his coat. When he swept me into his arms and capture d my lips in the most magnificent kiss. It was so deep and excited it literally to my breath away. We ended up back in my apartment...needless to say..and were married exactly a year later. That was 28 years ago and he still takes my breath away.💝

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