The Widowers of the Aristocracy Book 2
By Linda Rae Sande
Genre: Regency romance
When archaeologist Jasper, Viscount Henley, is caught kissing Marianne, hemarries her despite knowing she's nearly blind. Determined to show his new
bride the wonders of the Roman world as part of his next expedition to Sicily—
their wedding trip—Jasper will do whatever it takes for her to see more clearly,
even if his own vision is clouded by a revelation.
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His phobia forgotten, Jasper weaved his way through the crowd to where the young lady sat, glancing about in search of a companion or chaperone who might introduce them.“Hello,” she said, coming to her feet in a graceful move that segued into a deep curtsy. Her gown, a column of white silk de Naples embroidered with white silk threads, had obviously been made by one of the best modistes in London. The fact that it was white suggested she was unmarried.
“Hullo,” Jasper managed as he gave a bow. He dared a glance to his left and then to his right. “Pardon me, but I... it looks as if your companion, or chaperone—”
“Aunt,” she interrupted with a sly grin.
“Has gone missing,” he continued, worry evident in his voice. How could such a delectable creature be left alone among the palm trees at the back of Lord Attenborough’s ballroom?
“She’s dancing with Lord Devonville.”
One of Jasper’s eyebrows cocked up. “Ah. Poor thing,” he murmured, not intending for her to actually hear the comment. Her brilliant smile had him a bit mortified when he realized she had heard. Besides the dimple that appeared in her left cheek, her porcelain skin bloomed with a pretty shade of pink while her bright blue eyes focused on him to the point he realized she could see, although perhaps not well. “Oh, pardon me. I didn’t mean it like that,” he said with a shake of his head.
“Oh, I won’t tell him. I promise,” she countered, her face still displaying an expression of delight.
Jasper blinked. “You know him well enough to tell him should you wish to?” he wondered aloud, daring a glance at the dancers who were still performing the cotillion. They would continue to do so for at least another fifteen minutes.
The young lady nodded. “Devonville is my uncle.”
Author Bio

A self-described nerd and lover of science, Linda Rae spent many years as a
published technical writer specializing in 3D graphics workstations, software and
3D animation (her movie credits include SHREK and SHREK 2). An interest in
genealogy led to years of research on the Regency era and a desire to write
fiction based in that time.
A fan of action-adventure movies, she can frequently be found at the local
cinema. Although she no longer has any fish, she follows the San Jose Sharks.
She makes her home in Cody, Wyoming. See her upcoming books on her
Author website and social media links:
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